Medical Keynote I
Surgical data science for cognition-guided surgery
Surgical Data Science aims at improving surgical care by means of data acquisition, modeling and analysis. From a surgical perspective, the key to translate these novel methods into surgical practice is the deployment of an assistant that supports the surgeon in his daily work.
The vision of the collaborative research center (SFB/Transregio 125) “Cognition-Guided Surgery” is a Cognitive Surgical Assistant CoSA that guides the surgeon in the treatment process and learns from experience, similar to a human assistant. To achieve this goal, CoSA mimics cognition in a technical system. CoSA perceives data from its environment along the whole clinical pathway of a surgical patient. The interpretation algorithms rely on a knowledge base combining factual knowledge and models of surgical reality with experience from previous patients in the form of semantically enriched data. On this foundation CoSA performs context-aware actions by recommending the optimal treatment for complex patients at the right time or by guiding a cognitive surgical robot. By performing these actions CoSA will gain more experience and learn, subsequently improving over time.
This talk will discuss the crucial role of surgical data science for cognition-guided surgery from a clinical perspective.