Surgical Data Science Workshop 2016

Workshop Goals

To bring together leading experts from the field in order to identify, present and discuss key initiatives, potential standards, new results, and challenges in the context of surgical data modeling.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline:
March 5th, 2016

Registration Deadline:
June 5th, 2016

Brainstorming Workshop
in conjunction with CARS 2016
June 20th, 2016

Topics of Interest

  • Surgical decision support
  • Context awareness in surgery
  • Surgical workflow optimization
  • Surgical training
  • Surgical quality analysis
  • Surgical skill assessment
  • Surgical data mining
  • Surgical ontologies
  • Recognition of surgical actions and events


Surgical data science¹  is an emerging scientific discipline with the objective of improving the safety, quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of surgical care by means of data acquisition, modeling, and analysis. Improvement may come from understanding of processes and strategies, assisting surgeons and controlling devices before, during and after surgery as well as from improvements to training, simulation and assessment. Surgical data science builds on principles and methods from other data-intensive disciplines such as computer science, engineering, information theory, statistics, mathematics, and epidemiology, and complements other information-enabled technologies such as surgical robotics, smart operating rooms, and electronic patient records.

The goal of this workshop was to bring together researchers working on diverse topics in surgical data science in order to discuss existing challenges, potential standards and new research directions in the field. It took place at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Germany.

On the workshop day, keynote lectures by leading experts in the field were complemented by short presentations of accepted workshop papers.

¹) Acknowledgement: The title ‘surgical data science’ was suggested by Swaroop Vedula (Computational Interaction and Robotics Laboratory (Prof. Hager), Johns Hopkins University).

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The workshop was funded by the Collaborative Research Center (SFB/TRR) 125 'Cognition-Guided Surgery' and was endorsed by the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS).